Welcome to Dawn Michelle Creations!

Welcome to Dawn Michelle Creations!

Welcome to our little studio where you will feel that you are more than a client, you are our friend and most importantly, someone that shares our passion.

We service the entire Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex and Southern Oklahoma. Sessions can be scheduled at a location of your choice, your home, or we can suggest a few places.

To learn more about our sessions, packages, and gifts, visit us on the web at http://www.dawnmichellecreations.net.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Beautifully Different

What makes you different makes you beautiful

What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful
The things that make you different are the things that make you beautiful. There are some very unique traits that every single person in the world has that can't be compared to any other person collectively. Sure, we all have our similarities, but there is no way that two people can say that they are exactly identical.
This is one of the great beauties that life has to offer us, even though a lot of us choose not to acknowledge this interesting tidbit, as they desire to fit in instead of stand out. Remember that if you ever want somebody to see how truly beautiful that you are, you have to be willing to live your life as yourself. Don't try on someone's life in an effort to impress, because in the end the only person they will be truly impressed with will be you in the outfit of another person.

Next time you think of beautiful things, don't forget to count yourself in.

Too many times in life many of us get caught up in showing love, and being kind to others, that we sometimes forget to show love and to be kind to our own selves. One thing that would help us all greatly is believing in ourselves. Not only are we beautiful individualized creatures of God, we are all so unique from one another, we all have different values and qualities that we emphasize more than others that make us exactly who we are.
We are the children of a King, children of a loving Heavenly Father; uniquely and perfectly made. Therefore, we are beautiful, no matter what anyone says, or no matter how any person, organization, or situation tries to make us feel. We are all kings and queens in our own right, and we must choose to wear our invisible crown of individuality everyday with humility and grace. Represent to the world what a winner is and what a winner looks like, exhibit your beautiful personality with confidence, and never forget to count yourself in the next time that you are thinking of all things that are beautiful.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Seeing Your Beauty

 You are beautiful ~ please believe in it.

You Are Beautiful
The way that the world functions today, we tend to think that our beauty is made up solely of the person that we see when we look in the mirror. Little do we realize our beauty is made up of the person that we are inside, not the person that we are on the outside. If we only allow people in our lives that only appreciate us for our beauty on the outside, we will never have real friendships or love. 


With that being said, the way we feel about the image we present to the world can greatly affect our confidence and the way we deal with people. Some of us may think that we weight too much, some of us may think our nose is too big or that our eyes are too wide.
Too overcome this we have to challenge society, and tell ourselves that despite whatever everyone else says we know that we are beautiful. Try not avoiding the mirrors and every morning after you wash your face and every night before you go to bed, look in the mirror, smile, and tell yourself out loud that you are beautiful!

The best makeup is your smile. There is no beauty like the one that comes from inside of you.

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”
 Elisabeth Kubler-Ross quotes

There is no beauty like the beauty that comes from inside of you. Because of society and because of huge influences of things like advertising (which many studies say is more influential than the things in America that we learn in school by the time we are older) and other forms of media, many of us feel as though what really makes us beautiful by radiating inside of us, isn't what true beauty really is, when in fact the only real and lasting beauty is the beauty that comes from within.
Call me and let me help to bring out your inner beauty, showcasing YOU in portraits. 214-789-7090

Beauty special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)


Friday, February 22, 2013

Inner Beauty

     “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”
Kahlil Gibran (Lebanese born American philosophical Essayist, Novelist and Poet. 1883-1931)

You don't need a full makeover to shine. Let me help showcase your inner beauty in a portrait. Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Giveaways that I am participating in


Fan appreciate is such a rare thing to witness these days. Therefore, I am participating in two different giveaways to show my fans some love!!
There are some great prizes available. Go check them out!! Good Luck!


Fan giveaway at http://www.sweetpinkdesigns.com/2013/02/3000-fan-giveaway/

Lots of great prizes!! Check it out!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Concept of Beauty

“For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.”
Ivan Panin quotes (Russian mathematician1855-1942)

Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let Your Light Shine

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Maryanne Williamson

Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Honesty equals Beautiful

“No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.”  ― Eleanor Roosevelt


Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Stay Young

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”  ― Franz Kafka

Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Helping Hands

“For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
 For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
 For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
 For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
 People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
 As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.”   ― Sam Levenson

Let me help to make your engagement special. Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Just as you ARE

“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.”
― Markus Zusak, I am the Messenger

Call me to schedule your session.  214-789-7090

Engagement special ~ Receive a Mini Session (up to 1 hour in 1 location) and 1 Introductory Package for just $99 (limited spots available)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Beautiful moments in pictures

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.”  ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! May your day be filled with beauty and love!
Don't forget to call me to schedule your engagement photos!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feeling Beautiful

Feeling Beautiful is Empowering

Have you ever worn something new and felt wonderful in it? Did you have a much better time when you wore the new outfit? The way you felt when you wore it felt natural. You felt natural because this is the way you should feel all the time.

The world is full of beautiful people. You are one of them. Some days are better than others though, and a bad mood, a red pimple or a pair of jeans that are a little too tight can cause us to easily forget about our own beauty.

Beauty is among the greatest concerns for men and women around the world. As a society, there is a constant drive to appear more desirable and attractive to others, which is why the beauty industry is thriving. There are more than 250,000 beauty salons in the United States, with the industry employing more than 845,000 people. While cosmetics are one way to help improve your appearance, there are several natural ways to improve your looks.                              
  • Smile. The number one thing you can do to feel beautiful is to smile more often. This will automatically put you in a better mood, and you'll receive more positive energy from other people as well.When you smile, your whole face radiates beauty, so smile as often as you can. You may also find that by smiling more often, you end up having a more positive and happy attitude. There are ways to improve your smile if you are self-conscious. Teeth whitening can improve the brilliance of your smile and is more affordable than ever with the availability of over-the-counter whitening kits. To avoid discoloration, brush your teeth often, use a straw when you drink dark liquids and avoid smoking. Don't let dental flaws discourage you. Flaws like gaps can be a signature trademark. Smile, laugh, and stay positive! Remembering these three factors, helps draw the right people in your life and give you a beautiful glow that make others want to be around you.
  • Be Confident ~ One of the simplest ways to convey beauty on the outside is to have a healthy and positive self image. There is no sense in looking beautiful on the outside if you don't feel beautiful on the inside. If you are confident in yourself, it will reflect in the way you compose yourself. You are likely to carry yourself with good posture and smile more often, which make you look physically more beautiful. Walk and talk with confidence. It is much more attractive for a person to walk and talk with confidence than for her to slink back away from the world. Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations or stand up for what you believe in. Having more confidence in yourself will make you a more attractive person.
  • Think of your body as an instrument. Stop looking at your body as an unmovable object and start thinking of it as something that can be tuned. Little tune-ups every morning (moisturizer, chapstick, a wink and a smile) will improve your sense of beauty.
  • Eat healthy and exercise. Keeping your body in shape and eating healthy food can do wonders for you not only physically, but give you tremendous energy to be active and fit. Also taking vitamins and supplements is overall good for your body, skin, and hair. Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise is good for you both physically and mentally. Physically, it will help you stay healthier and can tone your body, as well. Exercise is good for you mentally because you get a feeling of achievement and self-satisfaction as you meet your exercise goals each time you work out. Exercising is a way to release stress, also. Exercising on a regular basis can help you to feel and look like a more attractive person.
  • Maintain personal hygiene ~ On a daily basis, shower, do your hair, and do your makeup (if you are a woman). Spray on some perfume or cologne before you head out the door. If you feel attractive, you will appear more attractive to those around you.
  • Go shopping. Treat yourself by buying a new outfit, pair of shoes or a beautiful necklace or earrings to give an extra boost in the way you look. Our self-esteem is closely linked with our consumerism. Your budget may allow you a $6 shirt or a $60 shirt; either way, a new article of clothing will give you a confidence boost.
  • Get a new haircut. Often times, a change in hair style will help you feel more attractive and will look more attractive, as well. Tell the stylist what you want and she should be able to figure out what shape, length and possibly color works best for your face shape, body shape and skin type. Speak up if it is something you don’t want or don’t like.
  • Moisturize ~ Use a good moisturize on your face and body every day to give your skin a natural radiance. Try to apply a moisturizer as soon as you get in the shower. According to 1sthealthsource.com, "moisturizers rehydrate and replenish your skin's natural radiance, no matter what condition your skin is in." Moisturizing helps replenish the skin with vitamins, minerals and collagen-elastin, which improves skin's elasticity and helps prevent wrinkles. The natural glow of a moisturizer on your face can also reduce the amount of makeup you need to wear every day. Use a lotion with a sun protection factor to protect your skin from the sun's rays, which can cause wrinkles. Drinking plenty of water is a natural way to hydrate skin; it also helps to flush toxins from the body.
  • Wear makeup. Makeup can help improve a woman's appearance, but wearing too much makeup can have the reverse effect. Wear enough makeup to accentuate your features and hide flaws without appearing as though you're wearing a mask. Light concealer and foundation, simple eye makeup, mascara and a natural lip shade are usually all you need to improve your appearance. If you use blush, apply it lightly or simply pinch your cheeks to give your skin a natural, blushing look. Look for makeup products that are made of natural materials and contain SPF to protect your skin from sun damage.Try applying on a little mascara or lipstick if you want to feel hot. On the other hand, if you want a completely new look, get yourself an over the counter make over at a department store or ask a makeup consultant to help you find makeup or lipstick that best matches your skin tone.
  • Pamper yourself every once in a while. Coerce your partner into a massage. Light some candles, and take a bubble bath. Curl up in bed with a good book. Engage in your favorite relaxation technique. Beautiful people find time for themselves. Spend time for yourself. Everyone needs to pamper himself or herself once in awhile and if it is going to a spa or something simple as trying, a new hairdo can improve greatly on how you feel.
  • Sleep ~ Beauty rest is not a myth that was created as an excuse to sleep in. Getting plenty of sleep re-energizes the body and prevents rings and dark circles around the eyes. The amount of sleep needed varies with each person, but if you get enough sleep, you'll be able to see the results in the way your body looks and feels.
  • Stay less stressed. Situations in our life at times can leave us on the edge and feel physically, mentally, and emotionally strained. Try yoga, mediate or soothing music to ease and relax your mind and body. Do whatever that works for you to prevent constant worries.
  • Work on your relationships with friends and family. Many studies have shown that positive, fulfilling relationships help people maintain a sense of inner and outer beauty.
  • Kill them with kindness. Remember--the most beautiful people are usually the nicest and most appealing to be around for reasons other than their beauty.
  • Age is on your side. Many people report feeling more beautiful as they get older.
  • Wear outfits that reflect your personality. Your inner comfort will reflect on the outside.
  • Be content with yourself. The best method to staying beautiful is being comfortable in your own skin by having confidence and thinking highly of yourself (but not to the extreme where you are arrogant). Accepting that you are an unique individual with great gifts can definitely change other areas in your life for the better.
  • Tuesday, February 12, 2013


    Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.

    Monday, February 11, 2013

    Sharing "How to Feel Beautiful and Boost Confidence" from The Oprah Magazine

    How to Feel Beautiful and Boost Confidence
    (And not one involves more makeup!)
    By Jenny Bailly
    O, The Oprah Magazine | From the January 2010 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine

    Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-to-Feel-Beautiful-and-Boost-Confidence

    Good posture


    "Your brain is constantly checking in with the rest of your body to find out how you're feeling," says Kelly McGonigal, PhD, a health psychologist at Stanford University. "When your posture is erect, the message it gets is: I feel good about myself. " One study, published last year in the European Journal of Social Psychology , found that subjects who sat up straight in their chairs instead of slouching were more confident about statements they wrote. Keeping your shoulders back and chest open also makes you look taller, slimmer, and radiantly self-assured.

    For some ideas on where to start, try O 's posture exercise plan .


    Don't issue good/bad/pretty/ugly judgments when you look in the mirror. "If you have a scar, you can decide to see it as a flaw or simply as a memory of an injury," says Stacey Tantleff-Dunn, PhD, associate professor of psychology at the University of Central Florida and director of the Laboratory for the Study of Eating, Appearance & Health. Try to take in your physical attributes the way you would those of a child or beloved friend—with appreciation and acceptance, not criticism.


    "Studies using eye-tracking technology have shown that people who are unhappy with their appearance zero in on their perceived flaws when they look in the mirror," says Nancy Etcoff, PhD, director of the Program in Aesthetics and Well Being at Massachusetts General Hospital. Turn your gaze on the feature you like (we know you have at least one). "When your eyes take in something that pleases you, your brain's reward system is activated, lifting your whole mood," says Etcoff.


    "We all find smiling faces more attractive than nonsmiling ones," says Paul Ekman, PhD, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, who has studied facial expression for several decades. A smile not only lifts the muscles around the eyes and lips, for a more youthful appearance, but also generates a feel-good ripple effect: Your brain gets an instant mood boost from the muscle contractions, and that boost is maintained as people smile back at you.


    Blue sky

    Shallow breathing manifests itself as tension in your face, throat, even shoulders. On the other hand, when you take deep, slow breaths, you look and feel more at ease in your body. So take a second, enjoy the photo, and breathe.


    When you compliment a child on her dress, she doesn't respond, "Oh, I don't think it fits quite right." (But she might say, "Thanks! And look at my shoes! And my braids! And did I tell you I'm the third tallest girl in my class?") Stop deflecting praise about your appearance. Simply say "thank you" when someone compliments your thick hair or sparkling eyes. You—and your admirer—will feel better about the exchange, creating positive reinforcement that makes you both want to give and receive compliments more often.


    We're not talking a fuchsia pantsuit. Just a pop of color—say, in a necklace or scarf—can light up your face, and your mood. Not sure what to add to your wardrobe of black and greige? Try blue: "It's universally considered a 'happy' color, and there's a shade that looks good on everyone," says fashion stylist Joe Lupo, coauthor of Life in Color. If your skin tone is warm (it looks yellow-orange next to a piece of white paper), choose royal blues; if your complexion is cool (it has a more pinkish cast), try icier blues or aquas.


    "Body image can be externally influenced—by a number on a scale or an image in a mirror—but it's also affected by physical sensations like discomfort," says McGonigal. When you wear clothes in the smaller size that you want to be (or once were), the feeling of constriction sends a constant signal to your brain that you're not thin enough. This isn't an appeal for elastic waistbands ("Looking like a schlump won't do much for your body image either," McGonigal says) but for clothes that are both elegant and comfortable—in the size you are now.


    Victoria's Secret fashion show

    Unless you live off the grid (and if you're reading this, you probably don't), you're bombarded with media images of willowy, poreless women (case in point: the above). It's human nature to compare yourself with these images—but if you're not a supermodel, you'll come up short. Until such pictures are stamped with warning labels (an idea British and French lawmakers have proposed), when you catch yourself in the act of comparing, remember that these pictures are incredibly unrealistic—engineered by teams of lighting experts, makeup artists, and a tricky little computer application called Photoshop. They're created to make you feel insecure and encourage you to open your wallet. "Studies of teens have shown that increased media savvy does reduce comparisons and negativity about appearance," says Kerry O'Brien, PhD, a psychology lecturer at the University of Manchester.


    Recent research shows that our social networks have a profound effect on our behaviors and attitudes—including how we perceive our appearance. "It's hard to feel good about your looks if you're surrounded by people who criticize their own," says Etcoff. "Spend time around people who are confident in their bodies, and you'll find yourself following suit." And if you don't already have a few gay men in your circle of friends, you might want to add some: A study published last year in the journal Body Image found that friendships with gay men can elevate women's body esteem.


    We mean that literally, as in change your lightbulbs. White-coated incandescent bulbs cast a wash of soft, pretty light, says lighting expert Dan Blitzer, president of the Practical Lighting Workshop. The Philips Natural and GE Reveal brands also filter out yellow tones for a clean white light that goes easy on all skin tones. Consider the placement of your light fixtures as well: "When light reaches your face from all directions, it minimizes lines and shadows," says Blitzer. In your bathroom, replace overhead lighting with fixtures on either side of your mirror.

    Sunday, February 10, 2013

    How to Feel Beautiful

    Beautiful Unique You

    The key to being beautiful is knowing that you already are. But sometimes it's hard to acknowledge our own beauty when we just don't feel beautiful. Here are some things you can do to remind yourself that you're already beautiful.
    1. Look in the mirror, look at others. You don't look like them, they don't look like you. You're unique. No one else looks like you (unless you have an identical twin, but even then, your personalities and expressions are unique). Say to yourself, out loud: "Unique is beautiful." Because everyone is beautiful in their own way, don't let anyone tell you different.
    2. Let go of all ideas that promise "beauty" and instead aim for health. Trim your hair if it will make it healthy, lose or gain weight if it will make you healthy, use homemade skin creams and toners to keep your skin healthy, or eat healthy foods to be beautiful.
    3. Exercise! Studies show that exercise can provide positive mental health as indicated by relief in symptoms of depression and anxiety. Overall, it makes you feel better about yourself as well as give you more energy.
    4. Smile! Even if you don't feel like it. It'll make you feel and look a lot happier!
    5. Do what you're good at. For example if English is your forte, write essays, or if you're brilliant at sports don't be afraid to play matches. If you are good at math give yourself a tricky challenge to do each day, by solving it you will feel happy and that will make you feel beautiful!
    6. Embark your day by exclaiming to yourself in the mirror each day when you get up how awesome and beautiful you are. That may seem selfish, but it will help you feel good.
    7. Treat yourself! Buy yourself a smoothie, go for a walk in the woods, watch a movie at home with your friends, or read a new book. Do something that doesn't involve how you look.
    8. Accept others for who they are as well. Just because someone is a different shape, size, or color than you doesn't mean that they don't deserve to have self confidence as well. Give people around you reasons to make them think that they are beautiful. If you do that to others, it will make you feel good, and you'll realize that beauty is abundant - around you and within you.
    9. Be nice to others. That will make their day too! The most beautiful person you can ever see with a nasty attitude isn't beautiful at all.
    10. Make everything around you beautiful, whether this means decorating your room with nice lights or positive pictures from magazines, having beautiful surroundings will make you feel beautiful too! Write "confidence-boosters" on post-it notes, on fridge magnets, on the bathroom mirror with eyeliner... places you're bound to see it.
    11. Your life is what you make of it. If you make yourself out to be beautiful, then that's the way you live your life, so live your life to the fullest, most beautiful way possible, and that's the way you will feel!
    As a photographer, I can easily see beauty in the subjects of my photos. Not so much in myself.  I pick myself to death, erroding my self-confidence and happiness. This cell phone shot was taken just after my youngest daughter, Paige, straightened my hair for the first time. Normally my hair is slightly waving and I just wash and go, no makeup, no hair products, no beauty rituals at all. Paige is totally the opposite, she sometimes takes as long as an hour or more to get ready. I was resistant to her working on me, but she wanted to so I gave in. The result? My hair, which is a dirty blonde, looked lighter and shiny. I could not believe the difference! How could something so simple change so much?

    But it did! It changed my whole outlook for the day. I felt beautiful. I smiled more. My daughter, who is only 17, showed me something that I should have been showing her. Just a few minutes can make all the difference. Let's embark on this journey to seeing our own beauty together. Who is with me?

    Saturday, February 9, 2013

    You are Beautiful!


    I was working out the other day on my eliptical machine with the television on when this commercial came on. What I saw was the image of a beautiful young woman looking in the mirror, frowning. It was a commercial for a skin care product and my first reaction was how silly — clearly no one would be looking for a few tiny lines on someone so lovely. Then I looked closer and something in her eyes was a little too familiar.

    We’ve all been there, staring in the mirror, not at ourselves but at our imperfections. Not seeing beauty but the beast. It’s no wonder. With so much cultural emphasis on youth and the “perfect” body, we have come to equate beauty primarily with our physical form. The truth is however, that while being healthy and taking care of our bodies is important, real beauty is so much more.

    What is True Beauty?

    Beauty is the radiance that shines through us when we’re feeling joy; it’s the vibrancy we exude when we’re excited about life; it’s the passion that lights up our eyes and the gentleness of our spirits. Beauty is multidimensional. It’s something we all possess at every age, young, old and in between. When we recognize and approach beauty from our four dimensions—our body, mind, heart and spirit—we have the ability to feel and be beautiful right now, today.
    Beauty comes from thinking it with our minds, feeling it in our hearts and believing it in our souls. When we do, our bodies reflect it out to world. In time, radiating real beauty becomes as natural as breathing. To help you uncover your unique beauty, practice these steps for 30 days and repeat as needed!
    1. Acknowledge your beauty. Identify something about your physical self that you know is beautiful. It might be your eyes, your hair or your hands. Take time each day to appreciate that feature. Add something new every few days—even if it’s something as small as a delicate web of veins running under your skin.
    2. Experience beauty. Do something to help you feel beautiful everyday. Get a manicure; rub lotion on your skin; wear something soft or brush your hair until it shines. Identify as many of these “beautifying” rituals as you can and make them a part of your everyday life. The point is not to appear more beautiful to others, but to feel beautiful for the joy of it—for you.
    3. Notice beauty around you. Beauty is all around us. It might be in your flower garden, a favorite piece of furniture, a song or a shop window you pass on the way to work. Tuning into beauty helps connect us to our spiritual nature; eases tension in our bodies and attracts more beauty into our lives. Yes, noticing beauty can actually make you more beautiful.
    4. Smile. When you walk down the street or into a room, consciously smile at someone. It let’s your real self shine through and makes a connection that feeds your heart. Notice that when you smile at someone it changes their body language and their attitude. It does the same for you!
    5. Let go of judgment. The truth is, the only opinion that matters is your own; the only one you need to please is you. This can be a tough one. Most of us are our own worst critic. By judging ourselves as less than beautiful, however, we make it so. Letting go of judgment begins with awareness. When negative thoughts filter in, be aware of them and what they’re doing to you. Did the thought make you frown or tense up? Is that what you want? Now consciously push your negative thoughts aside and refocus on something positive, something that makes you happy, confident or at peace. See the transformation and acknowledge it. Each time you do, it will be easier to stay in that positive space and project your real beauty.
    When you believe in and recognize your own beauty, others will too. You might also see old patterns falling away (like eating when you’re not hungry!) that contributed to negative feelings about yourself in the past. Start today to focus your whole being, body, mind, heart and spirit on what you want. When no one dimension is carrying the burden alone, your chances of success are much greater!

    Friday, February 8, 2013

    Beauty in the Imperfections


    Finding Beauty in the Imperfections

    “Love isn’t a state of caring. It is an active noun, like struggle.
    To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly
    the way he or she is, right here and now.”
    There are certain things in life that we can’t master simply by memorizing a set of facts or figures. We must navigate our way using past experiences and current feelings, attempting to find what’s “right” when “right” is only a matter of opinion.

    I’d like to believe that I am an entirely open minded and non-judgmental person. But this belief that I must find someone that fits my mind, my life, my personality perfectly has led me to operate from a place of analytical judgment, compartmentalizing and taking note of everything both big and small, dissecting a potential partner into parts that look nothing like their whole.

    It’s made me discount things I know nothing about and place importance on things that I didn’t find all that important in the first place.

    It’s made me forget that love is about the process, not the end result.

    Unfortunately, by definition, perfect means that flaws and blemishes don’t exist. But people are filled with both flaws and blemishes.

    And in truth, how can I expect someone else to always be kind when I’m not always kind? Or how can I expect them to be financially responsible when I don’t always want to be?

    I’m not perfect.
    As a society we like to see things in black and white, wrong and right. This gives us a false sense of security and allows us to make sense of anything that comes our way. Plus, it gives our ego a chance to shine.

    But recognizing shades of gray and being able to let go of the “right” fight opens us up to a world of possibilities. It’s simply about being — not defending or preaching.

    Life is mostly made up of routines and patterns. Every day we act them out and they are what make up the bulk of our lives. Many of us live according to a socially acceptable template, within the realm of safety, while living repetitively and dreaming of ways to escape.
    I used to revolt against these routines. I saw them as the enemy of adventure and of living a spontaneous life. However, I’ve found that routines can be quite blissful. I’ve realized that every day events and what we would commonly classify as “normal”, is often extraordinary if you just take a closer look.

    I’ve discovered that even if you’re not exactly where you’d like to be, that doesn’t mean that life right now can’t be beautiful or enjoyable. And the best part is, you don’t have to do anything to make it beautiful. It already is beautiful.

    All you have to do is open your eyes.


    Seeing Things Differently

    We are constantly surrounded by miracles, but we do not recognize them because they come to us so gracefully and seamlessly.

    For example, have you ever thought about how many different processes have to be organized simply to create the experience you’re having right now? Imagine if all of that was a conscious effort. Imagine if you had to think about breathing, or think about listening to music. You don’t, it just happens. Isn’t that amazing?

    Now multiply that by a trillion. Every breath, every movement, and every condition that’s creating the possibility for you to be alive right now is a miracle.

    We often get inundated with our To-Do lists, or get caught up in the drama of things that aren’t really important. Realizing that beauty exists in every moment is possible; it simply takes a way of seeing things a bit differently.

    Boredom due to routine is a creation of the mind. In reality, there are no ordinary or extraordinary moments. There is beauty everywhere. If you truly understand this, you can look at any ordinary object and find beauty in its existence. You can see a pile of rotting compost and realize that within that organic waste is the possibility of a garden of flowers.

    I’ve found that there are a few easy shifts that need to take place, in order to create a state of constant awareness of how amazing life is. Most of the time we only catch a glimpse of how amazing things really are before we get sucked back into the monotony of our routines. We lose mindfulness.

    In order to make awareness of beauty a permanent fixture in your life, you need to practice being mindful and aware. I don’t claim that practicing these principles is easy, but the benefits are worthwhile when we bring consciousness into our daily existence.

    1. Practice Listening

    One of the biggest blocks to recognizing all of life’s extraordinary moments is that we often don’t stop to listen. We’re too busy talking to ourselves. If we’re thinking all the time, we’re living entirely in a world of symbols. We’re living in a world of abstractions about reality; words that describe, label, and categorize things. This can be a wonderful tool for communication, but it can also be a curse when it gets out of control.
    If we’re always thinking, we’re never in a relationship with reality. In order to become intimate with life, we need to listen. Imagine that every time you interacted with someone, you were the only one talking. There would be no communication, because you never gave the other person a chance to speak. It works the same way when you’re communicating with life.
    Instead of thinking all the time and getting lost in your own thoughts, slow down and just listen. Put your focus on listening. When you find that you are drifting away in your own thoughts, gently bring your focus back to listening.

    2. Practice Non-Judgment

    Have you ever noticed that when you judge other people, it immediately puts you in a negative mood?

    Usually, the judgments we make are because other people aren’t conforming to our version of the way we would live. Everyone’s values are different, and that’s what makes life interesting. While there are some justifiable judgments you can make, they’re still, ultimately, not worth it.

    Compassion is a better vehicle for change than judgment.

    The next time you’re about to make a judgment, try to practice compassion instead.

    Let your feeling of needing to judge be a reminder for you to practice compassion. That way, your negativity will be transformed into peace.

    Beauty is experienced through a state of peace, never through a state of condemnation. And yes, non-judgment also means to stop complaining.

    3. Open Your Heart

    If you’re like me and you’re pretty left-brained, you might be thinking, “Okay that’s nice, but how exactly do I open my heart?”

    Opening your heart is a matter of accepting yourself and life as it is. It’s a matter of forgiving yourself and others. It’s letting go of all your resistance to the flow of life and the flow of circumstances.

    If you want to take action to change something, that’s fine. But it doesn’t make any sense to resist what is already a reality. Surrender to this moment, accept things and people as they are, and your heart will begin to open.

    Tips for Daily Living

    What all of these things have in common is presence. The more you’re living in the present moment, the more bliss you allow to come into your life. If you’re always living in the future, always seeking something, you’re rejecting what Is – you’re never actually here to experience the miracle of life, right now.
    If you can just practice these three things, your life will start to transform dramatically. You’ll begin to tap into your inner integrity and live authentically. You can’t live in acceptance and not be authentic. And if you’re living authentically, you naturally move into a state of bliss. See where this is leading?

    The three practices I’ve mentioned above are the primary catalysts for opening yourself up to how wonderful life can be. There are, however, many other practical things you can do that will help you become more aligned with these principles.

    Here are a few suggestions:
    • Find beauty in the little things. It’s amazing to me how when I stop the incessant mental chatter, and actually just see things, I am blown away by how beautiful they are. The trees swaying, the leaves blowing around on the ground, the waves crashing on the shore. The simplest of things have the most profound beauty. But you can only see them if you’re really there. If your mind is brooding, if you’re off somewhere else, you’ll completely miss them.
    • Embrace your artistry. If you think you’re not a creative person, I’m here to respectably tell you – you’re wrong. You couldn’t not create, even if you wanted to. Every time you open your mouth, every story you tell yourself about the drama in your life, is an act of creation. You’re constantly shaping, reinventing, and writing the story of your life. Once you recognize this, it’s much more powerful for you to see yourself as an artist, rather than a non-creative person. So the question is: What story will you create today?
    • Live without limits. Some limits are positive and necessary (like speed limits), but a lot of the limits we place on our lives block us from experiencing our full potential. Arbitrary limits, like fearing to reach out to a homeless person or talk to strangers, restrict the flow of love in our lives.
    • Realize that beauty can be found in the most mundane. Beauty is not always realized through a life-changing moment or a great epiphany. It’s not always hidden in a rainbow or found skydiving at 5,000 feet above the ground. Beauty is often found through looking into a newborn’s eyes, in the blooming of a flower, or in paint peeling off an old fence. It’s often where you least expect it.
    • See for the first time. Sometimes we get bogged down in schedules and obligations, and we lose our sense of wonder about the simple joys of life. Just quieting yourself internally and opening yourself up to an experience can allow you to view it again for the very first time. When you’re listening to music, imagine that you might have not been born with the ability to hear. When you reach out to touch someone, think about how many people don’t have use of their limbs. When you observe your surroundings, imagine you’re seeing color for the first time.
    • Live intimately with life. The next time you have a drink of coffee or tea, completely take in the smell and the flavor of the beverage. When you breathe, feel the air enter your lungs. When you walk, really feel the ground beneath your feet. The amount of beauty you experience in life is largely related to your level of intimacy with life. If you’re walking around disconnected, you overlook the wealth of artistry that is available to you right now.
    • Make your passion a priority. It’s easy to get wrapped up in doing all of the things that we think must get done. Wanting everything to be perfect gets in the way of having time for the things you really care about. While the errands and things on your to-do list might be necessary, it’s important to make the things you love a priority. If you have a hard time with distractions getting in your way, make a specific time during your day that is sacred, where you only do what you really want to do. Maybe it’s an hour of Kung Fu or Yoga in the morning before the rest of the world wakes up. Maybe it’s 30 minutes of Mahjong before you turn in for the night. Whatever it is, you have to make it a priority or it will get lost in the vacuum of the minutiae abyss.
    • Focus on the good. The reason still puzzles me, but we humans have a tendency to focus on the negative in events, circumstances, and people. We have a tendency to count our misfortunes and all the things that are lacking before we count our blessings. Make a habit of focusing on all the things you’re grateful for and you will open yourself up to experiencing the beauty of life.
    • Give something away. I’ve found that the best way to reconnect with how beautiful life can be is to give something away. It doesn’t have to be anything material. It can be a compliment, a smile, or a positive intention for someone else. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give is sincerely giving your presence.
    This list is, by no means, exhaustive. These are just the things that have worked for me. Experiment on your own and take chances. Sometimes a deep breath or a smile at a stranger is all it takes to bring you back into a state of presence.

    Closing Thoughts

    It’s easy to get motivated to follow or chase a new provocative idea. Seeing the beauty in the “ordinary” sounds quite alluring. But like most things that catch our fleeting interest, our well intended desires get lost in our rush to get things done and keep up with the day to day business of living.

    To make our perception of life being amazing a constant perception rather than a transient one, we have to slow down. It’s only through seeing the wisdom of slowing down, breathing and being present that we can realize how ridiculous it is to always be in a hurry. We may think we’re moving quicker, and getting more things done. But in doing so, we miss the point: to enjoy life now.

    Only by slowing down and being here now can we make what we’re doing worthwhile. It’s in slowing down that we allow ourselves space to experience life more fully. We often go through life trying to eliminate and fill up space as much as possible in an attempt to “maximize” our time. But in the end, the exact opposite happens.

    It’s through space that air fills your lungs. It’s through space that your body moves. It’s through space in the vibration of the air that sound is heard. It’s in the gaps between veins that blood flows. Without the space between these letters, there would be no words for you to read -it would all be incoherent.

    In this way, you realize something…

    Emptiness truly roars. Silence speaks. Space gives birth to form.

    It’s in the gaps that beauty is found.


    Thursday, February 7, 2013

    Perfectly Imperfect

    Embracing the Imperfect

    “The problem is not that there are problems.
    The problem is expecting otherwise and
    thinking that having problems is a problem.”
             ~Theodore Rubin

    It occurred to me that there might be a gift in all of this for others – the gift of exposure and vulnerability.

    Here’s the thing: I’ve had more than a few experiences where, when I “out” myself as imperfect, the response to that is for someone else to use that to feel smug, better-than me, or more put-together.

    Perhaps they even tell others that “Dawn isn’t really who you think she is” because they’ve been privy to my struggles or they’ve seen some inconsistency show up between my vision for my life and my actions on a particular day.

    This is exactly why we tend not to get vulnerable and why we hesitate to claim or accept our imperfections. We’re afraid of this response.

    This is also exactly why it’s the place to practice courage and to get vulnerable.


    When I’ve had this experience of someone mis-interpreting (or outright mis-using) my transparent admissions that "Yes, I still experience fear", or "Sometimes I don’t feel enough", or  "I get frustrated when my business doesn’t perform the way I want it to", I have a few choices.

    YOU have a few choices:
    • You can run back into yourself and hide, duly chastened and embarrassed, and go back to the exhausting role of “I’ve got it all together.” or
    • You can take a deep breath, and sink even more deeply into whatever your truth is in that moment, even if your truth is that you’re not on-point.

    The Most Powerful Parts of Us

    The most powerful part of who I am, and of who you are, is actually not the part where I’m “put-together.”

    The most powerful part of who we are is where we accept that within us which is “falling apart.” Being honest about being an imperfectly perfect human being creates such an enormous expanse of freedom.

    That level of honesty is core-shaking. It’s freedom from the Stories about ourselves and freedom from what others think.

    It’s the space where compassion begins when others judge, for the empty endeavor of using someone else’s low to fuel their own artificial high.

    Your truth–even if it’s a miserable one–becomes powerful when you embrace it. Own it fully.

    The great paradox is that when we embrace the things that are difficult, the things that are difficult have the space for actual change.

    When something is ready to transform, it transforms.

    Last Stop: Your Job

    It’s my job to own where I’m at, and to accept where I’m at. It’s other people’s jobs to own where they are at, and to accept where they are at.

    So really–It’s actually not anyone else’s job to accept you, so that you can be okay with you.

    Translation: It doesn’t do much good to try and wait for everyone else to be okay with our truth before we’ll expose our truth. Waiting for that moment keeps you trapped in caring about what other people think.

    Waiting for other people to approve, first, is a form of wanting other people to create safety for you, but only you create safety in your life. Safety starts and ends within you.

    That’s why I’m willing to expose myself, to share honestly that in this moment, as of writing this, that I am not perfect ~ sometimes I don't even like myself.

    Don’t know how I will feel in five minutes, don’t know how I will feel in five days – but this is where I am, right now. Right now, I am Embracing my Imperfectness.

    I stand before you, open and vulnerable, yet grounded in my truth. It’s the safest place to be.

    Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    Steps to a Happy Life (conclusion)

    Steps to a Happy Life with Positive Attitude

    Parting Words on the Positive Attitude Habit

    When you start feeling like the idea of being a positive person is daunting, tell yourself this: “If someone who really used to struggle with a negative attitude, turned her life around with these five steps, then I can too!”

    If anyone had told me a few years ago that I would be writing an article about developing a positive attitude and living a happy life, I would have laughed right in their face. I would have said, “Why in the world would someone want me to write about positivity?”

    But here I am, writing this post, believing in these words, and knowing that every single day I am getting closer and closer to living the happy life I’ve secretly dreamed of living. If I can do it, you can do it. Believe in yourself and remember the most important lesson of all… a positive outlook is a choice. Choose to be positive. Choose to be happy. Life is short.